Grooming by Anita


For today’s modern breeds of dog, very few of which are actually used for the purpose for which they were originally bred, the brushing, general trimming and grooming process is an unnatural experience for them to undergo. For many breeds, regular grooming is vital to ensure a clean and healthy life

Cita Previapeluqueria Canina con 20 anos de experiencia – By appointment Dog Groomer for 20 years formally trained vet nurse

Part of a responsible owners job is to groom their dog regularly.
​This removes knots and debris from the coat, stimulates and keeps the skin healthy and is also a good bonding experience for you and your dog.
If, for whatever reason, you are unable to groom your dog, give Anita a call. She can work out a grooming and trimming schedule for you, keeping costs to a minimum.
To groom your dog all you need is a suitable brush and or comb for their coat type

Anita does not routinely sedate animals for grooming neither with or without the owners knowledge. The results achieved are due to kind, professional, patient handling- almost any so called difficult dog can be re trained with patience and care.
It may involve some of your time as well as Anita’s but the result is usually a dog that never needs sedation for grooming again


To provide your dog with a trim to suit his or her lifestyle and allow you to groom him or her more easily between your visits to me.
To provide a stress free environment in which to trim and bath your dog so that he or she feels safe, comfortable and happy with me.This means that your dog is more likely to co- operate happily and will not be trimmed under duress. This will save you money and worry knowing that your dog is happy.

To give information and advise about the grooming and trimming of your dog.
To be an early warning system. Quite often your groomer is the first person to discover problems that may need a vets attention.
ANITA, THE WELL ESTABLISHED DOG GROOMER, has been working professionally with companion animals and livestock for 26 years. She trained as a veterinary nurse on the Isle of Man and then trained as a groomer 20 years ago. She started two salons on the Isle of Man and one in Norfolk before coming to Spain where she has groomed dogs for all the veterinary surgeries in Mojacar and Vera as well as doing home visits as far inland as Lucar. Before having her own kennels she also worked one afternoon a week at a local charity kennels and did so occasionally for another slightly further afield.
She attributes her ability to deal with dogs of all temperaments to her vet nursing experience, ¨If you can deal with an animal when it is frightened and or in pain, you can deal with most situations that are going to arise in a grooming setting.¨ She does not routinely use muzzles or severe restraining straps.
Anita has recently calculated that she has groomed approximately 9,000 dogs, usually each one many times and has probably done about 45,000 individual grooms. ¨I believe that experience counts for a lot in this job, when you are newly trained , yes you can cut a dogs hair and that’s about it. Everything else comes with experience e.g. what do to if something goes wrong or if you have a particularly fractious dog on the table or if you cannot even get it on the table. I have known places where there is not even water offered to the dogs.¨
A lot of my clients and their dogs have become dear friends and every single one of them is very special to me, I truly love every dog that comes to me.
Anyone is welcome to ring me for advice with no obligation and I look forward to meeting lots of new dogs and their owners coming in to The Five Bone Hotel.

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​For an appointment or advice please call Anita directly on 662344734